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Service to our state and beyond

We’re taking on some of the state’s biggest challenges in areas such as education, health, and economic development.

An IUI staff member wearing an IU shirt and lanyard stands at a conference table speaking with an event attendee.

Goal 1: Expand Contribution to Workforce Development

Contributing to workforce development is essential for promoting economic development, growth, and stability. Providing IU Indianapolis students with the skills and training they need to succeed in the workforce will help to fill skills gaps, promote job security, and support social mobility.

  • Workforce needs. Contribute to the growth of the state’s economy by working with key stakeholders to identify and respond to the workforce needs of the future.
  • Computer science programs. Create new computer science programs at Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering – Indianapolis.
  • Career readiness. Expand career planning and experiential learning opportunities for IU Indianapolis students and graduates to improve career readiness and promote entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Economic growth. Enhance flexibility in degree programs and include adaptable certificates, microcredentials, career technical education, and industry credentials that enhance the employment prospects of IU Indianapolis students, increase the value of IU degrees, and contribute to economic development in the state of Indiana.

  • Develop the IU Science and Technology corridor to advance STEM education, connect to area industry, and further complement the large and growing science and technology ecosystem in downtown Indianapolis.
  • Partner with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) on its 5E Strategy: entrepreneurship, environment, economy, energy, and external engagement.
  • Develop capacity for undergraduates, master’s, and Ph.D. computer science students at Luddy Indianapolis by 2030.
  • Embed experiential learning opportunities (internships, service learning, research, and more) into 100% of undergraduate degree programs.
  • Increase in number of stackable credentials (badges, credit for prior learning, certificates, and more) offered across undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs.

Goal 2: Engage State P-12 to Strengthen Education and Educational Pipelines in Indiana

Building partnerships among IU Indianapolis, local schools, and businesses will help align educational goals with workforce needs and promote career readiness. Strengthening the educational pipeline is critically important for helping to increase the proportion of high school graduates planning to pursue postsecondary degrees.

  • Enrichment opportunities. Work with district, school, and community partners to strengthen and increase enrichment opportunities for P-12 students.
  • Diversity pipeline. Improve the pipeline for diversity recruitment and retention to provide P-12 students with role models who represent a range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

  • Increase the number of students served and the number of IU Indianapolis students participating in P-12 enrichment opportunities as measured by internal databases such as the Collaboratory.
  • Increase the percentage of academic units sponsoring P-12 enrichment programs by 2030.
  • Increase the number of career pathway partnerships with high schools in the service region, with a focus on underserved populations.

Goal 3: Foster Economic Development in Indiana Through Tech Transfer, Translational Research, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

A supportive ecosystem for innovation will provide researchers and entrepreneurs with the resources and support they need to take their discoveries and apply them to real-world problems or turn their ideas into successful businesses. A culture of innovation at IU Indianapolis will help attract top talent and promote economic growth.

  • Culture of innovation. Enhance the culture for innovation at IU Indianapolis and increase student engagement in entrepreneurial learning experiences for improved employability and better alignment between education and the workforce.
  • Cross-disciplinary support. Enhance faculty and staff support to drive innovation within disciplines, across disciplines, and in our community.

  • Increase the number of cross-institutional research collaborations in targeted areas aligned with economic clusters of Indiana (health and life sciences; information technology (including AI); logistics; advanced manufacturing; tourism, arts and culture; and government/not-for-profit sector).
  • Grow research funding activities for the new joint (IU/Purdue) biosciences engineering institute.

Goal 4: Improve Integrated Health Service Outcomes through Research, Education, Community Service and Engagement

Engaging with our communities will help ensure IU Indianapolis implements health programs and initiatives that are designed to meet community needs and priorities, leading to more effective and sustainable solutions, improved health outcomes, and better-trained healthcare professionals prepared to provide person-centered, collaborative care in communities.

  • Community partnerships. Engage and partner with communities to address disparities associated with social determinants of health and create a plan with the community to improve key state of Indiana health indicators.
  • Nursing graduates. Increase the number of nursing graduates to help address the state’s nursing shortage.
  • Health disparities and equity. Create an IU Indianapolis Institute focused on addressing health disparities and health equity across Indiana through community-engaged research, teaching, and service.
  • Health priorities. Expand collaborations within initiatives supported by the IU Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IPEC) to address Indiana’s health priorities and to enhance cross-disciplinary research, teaching, and team-based practice.

  • Establish a baseline and progressively increase IU Indianapolis’s investment in community or targeted population programs related to the health and well-being of Hoosiers.
  • Increase undergraduate student enrollment at the School of Nursing by 50%.
  • Use relevant Indiana state health indicators to establish baseline value and track progress quarterly over time in IU Indianapolis health-focused partnerships.
  • Identify health disparities at baseline and develop a community-engaged partnership approach to eliminate disparities and measure progress in reducing disparities over time.
  • Establish a number of baseline IPEC community-engaged activities and track the growth of the number of IPEC-engaged projects and graduates who enter the Indiana workforce.

Goal 5: Adapt Global Perspectives to Address Local Challenges 

IU Indianapolis is committed to preparing faculty, staff, and students to engage the broader world and to building international partnerships that advance research, further student learning, and improve communities through local solutions to global challenges.

  • Global research. Expand opportunities for global research and service, whether conducted in Indiana or internationally, as a critical component of the IU Indianapolis research agenda.
  • Commitment to DEI. Position global engagement and internationalization as a complementary aspect of IU Indianapolis’s commitment to DEI.
  • Global teaching and learning. Provide greater access to global teaching and learning for local impact.
  • International partnerships. Develop and/or grow international institutional strategic partnerships that advance IU Indianapolis’s globally recognized commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Partner with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) to increase the participation of IU Indianapolis experts in consultations/support for state trade and foreign investment activity.
  • Partner with The International Center, the Indiana-based non-profit, to increase linkages between Indiana industry and foreign businesses, particularly those with an affiliation to IU Indianapolis or IU Indianapolis’s international institutional partners.
  • Increase research expenditures related to interdisciplinary global research both internal and external to IU Indianapolis.
  • Increase the number of Fulbright scholar awards to IU Indianapolis faculty and staff (currently 19).
  • Develop a baseline for the number of faculty, staff, and students who are teaching, researching, or engaging in service around the SDGs with international partner institutions and increase annually.

IU Indianapolis

Office of the Chancellor

University Hall, Suite 5010
301 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202