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Get involved and make a difference

Build your teamwork, collaboration, and problem-solving skills (and even your resume!) when you join one of our 330+ student organizations.

Find the right student organization for you

Whether you鈥檙e looking for friends who share your hobbies or ways to help your community, there鈥檚 a club for you.

Create your own student-run organization

Have a fantastic idea for an organization that doesn鈥檛 exist yet? Create your own! It鈥檚 pretty simple.

Build lifelong friendships

Give back to your community, find support, and create long-lasting connections in one of our 23 fraternities or sororities.

Make the most of resources for student orgs

Whether you need space to hold a meeting or materials to promote your student organization, IU Indianapolis has you covered.

Get together with your people

Our student organizations put on dozens of events, from social outings to service opportunities. Find one that interests you!

Advocate for mental health and well-being

Let your voice be heard as a member of the Chancellor鈥檚 Student Mental Health Council.

Apply to the council

Represent your fellow students

Student voices matter. The Chancellor鈥檚 Student Advisory Board regularly meets with campus administrators to discuss issues and provide feedback.

Join the board

IU Indianapolis

Division of Student Affairs

University Hall, Room 4041
301 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202