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Don’t miss a payment

You will receive your bursar bill at your IU email account on the third Thursday of each month. Here’s what you need to know.

Third-party access

Is someone else paying your bill?

Learn how to grant access to a parent, guardian, or other third party

Accessing your bill

You can view your bill online anytime. If you are a student, log in at One.IU, find “View/Pay Bursar Bill,” and choose the pdf of the bill you want to view.

Paying your bill on time

You will receive your bill on the third Thursday of the month. It will be due on the 10th of the following month.

Your payment options

There are multiple options for how to pay your bill, including online, by mail, via a sponsor, in-person, and via a 529 savings account.

IU Indianapolis

Office of the Bursar Payment Mailing

PO Box 6020
Indianapolis, IN 46206


Office of the Bursar Payment Help

Campus Center Suite 250 (do not mail payments directly to this address)


Office of the Bursar Phone & Email Help

