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Tours for graduate students

There's no better place than IU Indianapolis to continue your graduate studies. Join us for a campus tour and learn why this campus is perfect for ambitious students like you.

Daily Tours

We offer daily campus tours geared towards undergraduates most weekdays.

Tour times: Graduate tours take place monthly from 3:30-5p.m. (Eastern) and start from the Campus Center Room 240.

See what you can do here

Get a taste of life on the IU Indianapolis campus and learn about everything the Circle City has to offer. You’ll learn everything you need to know from one of our campus ambassadors or graduate emissaries of student diversity.

Don’t miss your chance to register for a graduate student visit and explore the next stop on your academic journey.

A student tour guide in an OTEAM shirt with walkie talked on his backpack strap faces tour attendees in front of a building on campus.

Know before you go

Before your visit, contact the school/department of your program of interest to get a closer look at life as a future IU Indianapolis student.

IU Indianapolis

Graduate School

University Library, Room 1170
755 W Michigan St

Indianapolis, IN 46202