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How to get into a class that’s full

Discover the waitlist system, which automatically places the next eligible student into a class when a spot is available.

How the waitlist system works

Before you try to get on a waitlist, you need to understand a few basics:

  • You can add yourself to the waitlist for a class when you register for an upcoming semester or at any time during the registration period.
  • Once you place yourself on a waitlist, it is your responsibility to monitor your waitlist status in .
  • Most classes are waitlist eligible, but if the class requires permission to enroll, you will need to get authorization from the department before you can join the waitlist.
  • Note that your enrollment status (full-time, half-time, etc.) is based on the number of credit hours for which you’re registered—waitlist hours don’t count.
  • Select the “drop if enrolled” option if you want to drop one of your registered classes if you get into a waitlisted class. Because you are not guaranteed to get into that class, be sure to still attend the registered class until your waitlist request is accepted. If you didn’t select a class for this option, use the “change waitlist drop” option in the to update your request without losing your waitlist position.
  • If a course has several class times that would meet your needs, you can—and should—waitlist each class number that works for you. If you are placed into one of those sections, the other waitlisted requests will be removed automatically.
  • Waitlist requests expire. Once the waitlist period ends, your request will remain on your schedule view, but will be inactive.

Manage your waitlist status

Again, it is your responsibility to monitor your waitlist status in —check it daily.

If you decide not to take a course you have waitlisted, you must drop the waitlist request to ensure you are not placed in the class. If you’re placed in the class before you have a chance to remove yourself from the waitlist, you’ll need to drop the class.

Once waitlist processing has ended, your request will automatically expire if you have not been added to the class. If you still want to try to add the class after your request expires, follow the procedures for adding a class.

Using the ‘drop if enrolled’ option

If you want to enroll in a course while you wait to see if you’ll make it into another one, you can choose the “drop if enrolled” option. This lets you identify a course you’ve registered for to be automatically dropped if your waitlist request is satisfied. Note that a waitlist request cannot be used as a “drop if enrolled” for another waitlist request.

If you haven’t selected a class to drop if your waitlist request is fulfilled, you can use the Change Waitlist Drop option in the to update your request without losing your waitlist position.

If you’re still on the waitlist on the first day of classes, you’ll need to decide if you want to drop your waitlist request and stay in the class you’re registered for. If your waitlist request isn’t filled by the end of waitlist processing, you’ll remain in your registered class for the term—so be sure to attend that class while you wait. If your schedule permits, you should also attend the class you’ve waitlisted so you won’t be too far behind if you get in.

Ready to waitlist?

If you’ve found a class you’d like to waitlist, here’s what you need to do.

  1. Follow the instructions for registering. To see classes that are already full, make sure you unselect the “Show Open Classes Only” option.
  2. Check the “Waitlist?” box. If you plan to drop a class if you get into the waitlisted class, enter that class number in the “Drop if Enrolled” field.
  3. Choose "Enroll."

If your request to join the waitlist is successful, you’ll be told your position on the waitlist. If there’s a problem, you’ll see an error message that explains why you cannot join the waitlist.

Check out the .

IU Indianapolis

Office of the Registrar

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202

