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Participate in research at IU Indianapolis

Get involved in the innovative and groundbreaking research taking place across the IU Indianapolis campus.

An instructor and a student face each other sitting in rolling in chairs in front of archival equipment for researching historical documents.

Research opportunities for undergrads

Learn all the ways undergraduate students can get involved in research on campus, starting as early as their first year.

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A woman leans over a black and white printed map laying on a table holding a marker in her hand; two other people sit across the table from her.

Research opportunities for graduate students

Many of the graduate programs at IU Indianapolis incorporate research directly into the curriculum. Discover its impact.

Explore the options
A man stands wearing virtual reality glasses in front of a digital display wall showing several elements including shapes that looks like streets or buildings, and figures of people with numbers hovering above them.

Volunteer for a research study

Our researchers routinely need volunteers to assist in their studies. Learn how you can get involved.

Volunteer today