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Keep your account current 

Be sure to pay your bill on time to avoid holds on your account. A hold will stop you from registering for classes.

Payment due dates

Mark your calendar 

Stay on top of these important dates to avoid a past-due balance.

What happens if I can’t pay?

IU Indianapolis works diligently to be a welcoming campus for all students. We want to fulfill our promise to students to help them meet their personal, academic, and career goals by providing the necessary resources to help them succeed. If you can’t pay your bill—and if we can’t agree on a payment arrangement—you will receive monthly late fees of 1.5% and a possible loss of income tax refunds. We may place your account with an outside collection agency.

Get money smart

From financial wellness counseling to payment plans, we have tools available that can help you manage costs, find help, and create healthy money habits.

IU Indianapolis

Office of the Bursar Payment Mailing

PO Box 6020
Indianapolis, IN 46206


Office of the Bursar Payment Help

Campus Center Suite 250 (do not mail payments directly to this address)


Office of the Bursar Phone & Email Help

