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When do I register for classes?

When you register will depend on where you are in your academic journey. Review the below descriptions to understand what to expect.

New undergraduate students

If you’re a new student attending college for the first time or transferring from another college or university, you’ll typically register for classes during Orientation

New graduate or professional students

If you’re a new graduate or professional student, review the and watch for communications from your program regarding when to register.

Currently enrolled students

If you’re a student currently taking classes and pursuing a degree at IU Indianapolis, you should register during priority registration—a period available only to continuing students—to ensure you stay on track with your degree goals. You’ll have an individualized enrollment date, which is the earliest time during priority registration that you can enroll in classes. We’ll notify you of this date via your campus email.

Returning students (recently attended)

If you recently attended IU Indianapolis as an undergraduate student but took a semester off, you can register during priority registration. If you’re a graduate or professional student who has taken no more than 24 months off of school, talk to your advisor and submit a term activation request to the Graduate School. If you’ve been away for longer periods, you will need to reapply for admission.

Students visiting from another IU campus

If you’re currently taking classes and pursuing a degree at another IU campus but want to take a class at IU Indianapolis, you’ll need to first apply as a temporary intercampus transfer. If you’re enrolled at another IU campus and want to take a class at IU Indianapolis, you’ll need to first apply as a temporary intercampus transfer. Eligible undergraduate students who are in good standing with their current IU degree program can apply in . Graduate and professional students have different  to follow. 

Temporary intercampus transfer students can register during open registration.

Non-degree or visiting students

Students who want to take undergraduate classes without pursuing a degree and those who are visiting from another university can register during open registration—just be sure to review your steps to apply first. Graduate non-degree students can apply at any time.


What is priority registration?

The period when currently enrolled IU Indianapolis students can register for an upcoming semester.

Make sure you pay attention to your priority registration date and register for courses as soon as possible. Registering early gives you a better chance of getting into the classes you want and taking classes at times that work best for your schedule.

What is open registration?

Open registration begins after priority registration ends and continues through the start of classes for the semester. Newly admitted students, returning students, visiting students, and non-degree students can register during this time.

What is my enrollment date?

The date and time assigned to an individual student signifying the first time you can register for classes for an upcoming semester. Dates are viewable in the and are determined by a variety of factors including the type of student or undergraduate class standing of the student.

IU Indianapolis

Office of the Registrar

Campus Center, Room 250
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202

