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Don鈥檛 miss these important dates

Stay ahead of the game by keeping track of these important dates and deadlines. From scholarship applications to orientation, knowing these key dates will help you navigate your path to becoming a Jaguar with ease.

US applicants

Key dates for beginning freshmen enrolling in the fall

  • September 1: IU Scholarship application launches
  • November 1: “Apply by” date for Honors College admission and scholarship consideration
  • Early November: Housing application becomes available
  • November 15: Priority deadline for maximum merit scholarship consideration, including Honors College Bepko, Presidential, and Plater scholarships.
  • By December 31: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) becomes available
  • February 1: “Apply by” date for Honors College admission and Chancellor’s Scholarship consideration
  • February 15:
    • Deadline to apply and be considered for admissions-based scholarships
    • Priority deadlines for competitive scholarships and the Honors College Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • Early March: Registration for orientation becomes available
  • Late Spring: IU Indianapolis begins sending Financial Aid Notifications
  • April 15: FAFSA priority deadline for Indiana
  • May to August: Orientation dates
  • June 1: Priority deadline for fall admission

Application deadlines for beginning freshmen enrolling in the spring

  • Mid-October:
    • Registration for orientation becomes available
    • IU Indianapolis begins sending Financial Aid Notifications
  • November to December: Orientation dates
  • December 1:
    • Priority deadline for spring admission
    • Deadline to apply and be considered for admission-based scholarships

Application deadlines for beginning freshmen enrolling in the summer

  • March 15: Priority deadline for summer session 1 admission
  • May 1: Priority deadline for summer session 2 admission

Key dates for beginning transfer and second-degree students enrolling in the fall

  • By December 31: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) becomes available
  • April 15: FAFSA priority deadline for Indiana
  • June 1: Priority deadline for admissions-based scholarship consideration
  • July 1: Priority deadline for fall admission

Application deadlines for transfer and second-degree students enrolling in the spring

  • December 1: Priority deadline for spring admission
  • December 1: Priority deadline for admissions-based scholarship consideration

Application deadlines for transfer and second-degree students enrolling in the summer

  • March 15: Priority deadline for summer session 1 admission
  • May 1: Priority deadline for summer session 2 admission

Graduate and professional school admission is decentralized at IU Indianapolis, and application deadlines and dates are determined and managed by the department offering the degree for which you are applying.

Undergraduate and graduate non-degree students can apply for admission to IU Indianapolis up until the first day of classes for the semester for which they’re applying.

Note, it is recommended that you apply early, as late registration fees will be assessed if you sign up for classes after the semester starts.

International applicants

Key dates for beginning freshmen enrolling in the fall

  • Early November: Housing application becomes available
  • December 15: “Apply by” date in order to receive IU Indianapolis admission in time for Honors College application and Honors College scholarship consideration
  • February 15:
    • “Apply by” date in order to be considered for admissions-based scholarships
    • Deadline to apply for Honors College and Honors College scholarships
  • Early March: Registration for orientation becomes available
  • March 15: Date to submit housing application for priority consideration
  • Late March or early April: Housing contract offers begin
  • May 1:
    • “Apply by” deadline
    • Priority deadline to submit your $100 enrollment deposit. If you are admitted on or after April 2, your deadline is 30 days after your admission.

Application deadlines for beginning freshmen enrolling in the spring

  • Mid-October: Registration for orientation becomes available
  • December 1: “Apply by” deadline

Key dates for beginning transfer and second-degree students enrolling in the fall

  • June 1: “Apply by” deadline

Application deadlines for transfer and second-degree students enrolling in the spring

  • December 1: “Apply by” deadline

Graduate and professional school admission is decentralized at IU Indianapolis, and application deadlines and dates are determined and managed by the department offering the degree for which you are applying.

In general, international students coming from outside the US are highly encouraged to apply and submit all required materials as early as possible to allow ample time for student visa documents to be produced and visa appointment wait times in your home country.

For non-degree coursework, international students should contact International Admissions before submitting an application.

  • Undergraduate students: oiaunder@iupui.edu
  • Graduate students: oiagrad@iupui.edu

Visa restrictions may affect your study plan, so the Office of International Affairs will need to advise you based on your unique case. Once you are cleared to apply, you should submit your application at least six weeks before the start of the semester for undergraduate study, or at least one month before the start of the semester for graduate study.

IU Indianapolis

Office of Admissions

Campus Center, Room 255
420 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202